Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

I think i usually have a post on my birthday...iirc...

But i dun feel happy...even going to japan didn't make me happy...recent happenings have indeed impacted me greatly...still in the process of recovery...feel a sense of self pity everytime i think of the mess i have gotten myself into...

But as Mypaper horoscope (my fav prediction column, v accurate) says, recent blows will make me realise the ouside world is not a playground and i will become more mature in the process...very true indeed...

Liberated at 4/16/2008 11:13:00 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008

sighz...i wonder how long it will take for this feeling to go away...i just want the episode to end asap...i hope i'm able to just drop everything and leave when the time comes...the feeling is terrible once it did i even land myself in this mess...wrong decision? i try not to think about it...valuable lesson? definitely so...

Liberated at 3/24/2008 10:36:00 PM

Sunday, November 25, 2007

finally i'm able to blog again...thanks to my office laptop...

it's almost 2 months into my new environment is very different...a concensus is reached between the mid-careers that everyone seems smart (or rather are smart, at least acedemically) around us...surrounded by scholars and people with first class honours...guess it's no use sulking over this...just accept the fact...accept the fact that your future is bleak...hahaha...

but i guess the main reason for my job change is to give myself greater exposure rather than climb the corporate i'm forced to read up on news as it is part of my job...the knowledge i gain here will probably be relevant even after leaving the workplace...

anyway, i attended an induction course for the new recruits...and had the chance to lunch with the chairman and some dept heads...that was really cool...appreciates that he takes time off to interact with us...though i wasn't one of those that chatted with him...leave the job to the smarty pants...

Liberated at 11/25/2007 12:57:00 AM

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Today is my second day in my new job.

Surprisingly, there are some simliarities between my previous and current job...
1. I'm still in BD, the largest div/dept in the institute...
2. The boss is supposedly hard to please and demanding...cham ah...

Everything is still very alien to me...still exploring at the moment...perhaps i have been in a slacking environment for too long...learning has became a chore to me, rather than an enjoyment...time to buck up and start reading the acts and notices...esp when i'm amidst a land of talents...argh...

It is quite disheartening to hear about a staff resigning just after 2 weeks into the job...hopefully i won't follow his footsteps...

Back to happier stuff...I have been allocated quite a good seat...has a window view facing the sea, the ships and the's near the side door, so i can sneak in when i'm late...I can prob enjoy breakfast too...but the environment a tad too quiet...till the point where i find opening my clamshell phone noisy...and out of 3 cubicles in the ladies, 2 are squatting ones...sianz...

Liberated at 10/02/2007 10:52:00 PM

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