Sunday, November 20, 2005

can't believe that it's already 20/11/05...the year is actually coming to an end soon...gotta start my anti-aging beauty ritual soon...

i can absolutely relate to one of wu qing kang's weekly column '2359' on zbnow, which he wrote on 'youth index'. there is a list of items which is indicative of the fall of your youth index, just to name a few here.

1. backpacking is a thing of the past, u can't imagine living in a youth hostel and sharing a common washroom.

2. travelling is no longer for the sake of widening horizon, but a chance to relax and pamper yourself.

3. gatherings become a time of reminiscence.

4. exercising becomes a need and starts to be tedious.

5. when dining, quality becomes more important than quantity.

6. u are curious about botox, mesotherapy etc.

7. there are more and more beauty products on your dressing table. advertisements, which u used to think are absurd, starts to become convincing and reasonable.

age is catching up...argghh...

Liberated at 11/20/2005 08:51:00 PM

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